Monday, 11 July 2016

#SFRB Summer Blog Hop: Other Worlds - The Travellers Universe #scifi #romance

Welcome to Other Worlds at my stop on the SFR Brigade Summer Blog Hop.
My name is Melanda Troi from Blue Moon Holiday Tours, and I'd like to show you a few of the worlds that make up some of the wonderful destinations in Pippa Jay's Travellers Universe. These three all feature in Keir: Book One of the Redemption series, a chapter of which is featured in Portals: Volume Three (a free SFR sampler).

Are you a fan of the simple life? Romantic medieval castles and knights in shining armour? Then the city of Adalucien on Salusan might well be the location for you. Visit the palace, with its finely painted interior walls, rich tapestries, and heavily armed fortifications. Or take a horse ride into the surrounding woodlands to see the rustic villages and friendly peasantry who farm the land. You might even have time to visit their rugged coastline or take in the pagan Neolithic sites.
Too backward? Then perhaps something more...advanced. A high tech, super secret scientific base on the edge of the galaxy perhaps? You're guaranteed the very best and latest medical treatment (providing they can work out what species you are), and of course all the convenience, comfort and entertainment that technology can provide.
Perhaps a little too stark and clinical? Well, then maybe the tropical planet of Metraxi with it's mostly temperate climate, clusters of small, secluded and sandy beaches, excellent seafood and friendly inhabitants is the perfect destination for you! Well, mostly friendly.
And if those can't tempt you, maybe the hero of the series can...
Want to visit more worlds for free? Pick up Tales from the SFR Brigade - an anthology of eight science fiction romance from across the galaxy, or The Bones of the Sea, a scifi short. Then grab a Portals volume or four - forty free sample chapters from the complete spectrum of SFR! Don't forget to enter the rafflecopter too, before hopping along to the other participants via the links below.
Goodreads | Webpage
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 Amazon | Smashwords 
ARe | B&N |  Kobo
iTunes | Diesel Books

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Welcome to the SFR Brigade's annual Summer Blog Hop! This year, we'll be visiting other worlds!
Please visit the participants below to find out about the worlds they've created.
 Pauline Baird Jones   Carrie Pack   Lee Koven  
 Dena Garson   Jessica E. Subject   Tracy Cooper-Posey  
 AR DeClerck   S.M. Schmitz   S. J. Pajonas  
 Kyndra Hatch   Melisse Aires   Athena Grayson  
 Aidee Ladnier   Ed Hoornaert   Debra Jess  
 Pippa Jay   Imogene Nix   E.M Reders  
 Veronica Scott   Greta van der Rol   Cathryn Cade  
 Aurora Springer   Linda Mooney   Wendy Lynn Clark  
 Deborah A Bailey   S. A. Hoag  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Pippa, this is definitely the most SFR-Brigadish of all the posts I've seen so far!

  2. All the worlds have different aspects that attract me, but I'd go wherever Keir goes.

  3. What a great blog post. I LOVED the tour guide thing. That really worked for me. Metraxi sounds a bit like where I live :D Lucky me.

  4. I agree with Greta. Having a tour guide is a great idea.

  5. I love Metraxi! That world came alive for me in Keir. Great book!

  6. Very nice! Love the different "tours!"

  7. Love the style of this post! :) And all your worlds sound enticing in some ways.

  8. I would go on a Blue Moon Holiday tour. Like most, I'd go for Metraxi first!

  9. Love the travelogue, Pippa!




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