Friday 2 December 2011

Update 02/12/2011

Soooo, I got an email overnight to tell me that my MS will be back to me today/tomorrow. In some ways it's a relief and exciting - although my stomach is tying itself in knots over what might still need doing and how long I'll have. However, I'm confident I can deal with it. :)

So expect a bit of silence for at least the next week. I had the foresight not to sign up for any weekend blog posts - not because I can't schedule things to go up, but because I think it's unfair for me to post when I can't be sure I'll have time to return reads to anyone. Apologies if you've come looking for my #sffsat or #sixsunday snippets. Hopefully I should be back in mid-December (just in time for the holidays, tsk!)

Keep writing!

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