Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Looking Forward - 2014


I don't make New Year resolutions, but in the last couple of years I *have* made a list of hopes for the year ahead, especially in writing terms. So for 2014 these are my hopes, plans and aspirations for the next twelve months.

1. Finishing, polishing and submitting my freaky little supernatural romance story from NaNoWrimo 
2. Finishing my winter solstice SFR short for release in December 2014 
3. Releasing my PNR short in October 2014 
4. Chevron with Misa Buckley in April 
5. LonCon 3 in August 
6. Hoping that the Kickstarter projects for Keir's Fall and Tethered will be successful, though even so they may not release until 2015. 
7. Hoping to contract Darkfall
8. Hope I can get Revived edited and released, although that comes down to budget. With two shorts already scheduled for release and two conventions, I may not be able to afford it. 
9. With two holiday themed shorts already, I'm hoping to add an Easter one. 
10. If Keir's Fall is successful, I will need to dust off book three and revise it. 
11. To clear some more of the WIP list. I'd like to see more of them finished. Um. There's a few... 

Flaming Angel (scifi short) - ready to submit
Reboot (cyberpunk short) - rejected 
Secret project (sfr novella) - awaiting edits 
T&CA sequel (sfr short) - incomplete 
Tethered sfr novella - contracted 
Keir's Fall (sfr novel sequel) - contracted 
J+T (Antho sequel sfr novel) - in progress 
Samaritan (scifi short) - edits waiting 
Shadowcast (sfr novel, Keir book 3) - to edit 
No Mercy (fantasy romance novella) - incomplete 
Seekers of the Nine (sfr novel, Keir book 4) - incomplete 
Space vampire (scifi novella) - incomplete 
Kauri's Tale (sfr novella) - to edit 
The Overlord's Consort (sfr novella) - incomplete 
Darkfall (decopunk superhero romance) - subbed 
Endings (sfr novel(la) Keir book 5) - incomplete 
Love's True Form (sfr short) - incomplete  
PNR short - in edits 
Revived (sfr novella) - complete - awaiting edits 
Winter solstice (sfr short) - incomplete 
RIP (supernatural romance) - incomplete 
Ostara (Easter sfr short) - incomplete

In the meantime, a huge thank you to the readers who have bought my books, and extra cookies to those who left reviews (yes, even the negative ones. All feedback is valuable). You're the ones who keep me writing and submitting and publishing.

 So, what are your writing (or other) plans for 2014? 

1 comment:

  1. That's an impressive list of WIPs. And you're going great guns on the 'hopes' list too, by the looks of things. I in turn hope you can continue to achieve what you have set out to do!


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