Wednesday, 10 December 2014

EPIC news announcement

I have an addiction to shiny things, and that includes awards. Two of my top ambitions as an author are a PRISM award and an EPIC. And yesterday I thought I'd missed out on the EPIC again after seeing someone tweet they were a finalist while my inbox remained sadly devoid of any notification. Ah well. Another year, another book, I thought.

But this morning I did a random check of my Spam folder, and sitting there was a message from the eBook Judge Coordinator, subject line EPIC's eBook Awards Finalist! Woo hoo! My YA SF Gethyon - already a SFR Galaxy award winner at the start of this year - is one of four finalists in their science fiction category. What an awesome start to the day! And I had shiny things.

Aren't they pretty?! Of course, there's no telling if I'll actually be the winner - I have to wait until mid-March to know that - but just being a finalist has made me one very happy author. You can check out my fellow finalists at the EPIC website HERE

1 comment:

  1. *FLAILS* CONGRATS OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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